Monday, April 23, 2012

April 23: Be left handed for a day

This was a hard new thing to try! I got incredibly frustrated with it because it made me extremely slow at everything I did. Also, I'd catch myself using my right hand automatically about halfway through whatever I was doing and would have to switch.

I usually run/jog/walk in the morning after I wake up a bit (takes about an hour and a half), and sometimes I actually have a destination. I ran to the bank today to deposit Lee's check, and I wrote the deposit slip out with my left hand. The teller could read it, so I guess it wasn't too messy. I can't show you the deposit slip though, because of account numbers and pay amounts, but I can show you the grocery list I also wrote with my left hand.

On my way back from the bank, I stopped in the business center in our apartment complex and got some decaf Starbucks coffee. I've never gotten coffee in there before because I've always been afraid someone may have mixed up the decaf and regular and I'd never sleep again. Hopefully that's not the case today, because I took it back home and made iced coffee with it. I was pleasantly surprised that it tasted okay without any sugar!

After the coffee, I decided I should brush my teeth, which wasn't easy at all with my left hand.

After getting ready and going for an allergy shot, I was really behind for lunch. Lee had a meeting at 1:00 and I didn't start on lunch until around 12:15, so I tried to go fast with my left hand. Some of the banana chunks were huge (mainly on Lee's...mine were smaller), and the peanut butter wasn't as even as normal. You can also see the knife grooves in the peanut butter, which I usually don't leave with my right hand. It still tasted good though.

I don't know what thought process led to spaghetti for dinner when I'm being left-handed for the day, but that's what happened. At least I did a decent job of winding the spaghetti with my left hand. But it slowed me down more than chopsticks do.

I am very glad I can use my right hand now!

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